Our imaginations can fly, even if we can’t for now and the near future, so this is a perfect time to explore Indonesia vicariously and make plans to jalan-jalan di Indonesia.

As Wonderful Indonesia informs us,

There are 41 Cendrawasih species in Indonesia and 37 of them live in Papua.

The Australia-Indonesia Centre‘s excellent newsletter recently linked to an article Search for birds of paradise in Indonesia and you will find so much more, by journalist Gisela Williams who related the story of her grandmother’s 1937 trip to Papua. The article was published online by Bloomberg  and includes video of the cendrawasih‘s courtship dance.

New Bird of Paradise described from West Papua (28 April 2018) in Birdguides.


Birds of paradise help inspire conservation of forests in West Papua  in Cornel Lab of ornithology.


Videos from Rekam Indonesia.